Here at Premier Family Chiropractic, we diagnose and treat patients with a variety of musculoskeletal problems — including sacroiliac joint dysfunction. We use non-invasive treatments and therapies to help reduce inflammation in the joint, encourage injuries to heal, and eliminate pain and discomfort for patients.
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a common problem associated with injury or inflammation of the sacroiliac joints. There are two sacroiliac joints in the body — one on each side of the pelvis where the sacrum (tailbone) and iliac bones come together. Each is covered by a layer of cartilage and held together by several strong ligaments. Although these joints have a very small range of motion, they can still cause significant pain and complications when not working correctly.
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can happen to anyone at any age. It is especially common among car accident victims and pregnant women, although the sacroiliac joints may be affected slowly by chronic bad posture or many years of repetitious motion. These joints can get ‘stuck,’ and without treatment, can cause additional injury, inflammation, and pain.
Diagnosing and Treating Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
It is important to receive an accurate diagnosis for sacroiliac joint dysfunction, as its symptoms can mimic those of sciatica. People with SI joint dysfunction may experience pain that is isolated to the joints, or it may radiate upward or downward into the hips, lower back, buttocks, and thighs. Sometimes, sacroiliac joint pain is also accompanied by muscle spasms, tingling, or numbness that can contribute to even more discomfort.
At our office here in Brentwood, we carry out a complete evaluation to determine whether the SI joints are to blame for symptoms. As with any musculoskeletal condition, problems with the SI joint take time to heal and recover from. Whether the joints are sprained or poorly aligned, a combination of chiropractic adjustments, neuromuscular re-education, and corrective exercises can help restore joint function for many patients in just a few office visits.
Chiropractic adjustments that target the sacroiliac joints play a central role in reducing pain and facilitating healing in the joint. Often, adjustments are performed while patients are lying down on their sides. The gentle, but firm pressure from an adjustment can help loosen a stuck SI joint, allowing the body to minimize painful inflammation as the joint begins to heal. Though it may take a few chiropractic visits to fully recover from SI joint dysfunction, most patients achieve relief from painful symptoms faster than they would without treatment.
If you suffer from chronic sacroiliac joint problems, we invite you to schedule an appointment with our office at your earliest convenience. We can help you get free of chronic discomfort and return to an active, pain-free lifestyle. If you are experiencing lower back, buttock, hip, or thigh pain and are unsure of its source, give us a call. We can help you get to the bottom of your complications and begin the path to healing and symptomatic relief.